Plastic Foundation Sheets for Supering (Honey Production) - DISCONTINUED

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Plastic Foundation Sheets for Supering (Honey Production) - DISCONTINUED

from $35.00
7 or 8 Sheets:
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If you want to super your hive with a framed Warré hive body in order to increase honey production or capture a particular honey flow, we recommend using 7-frame spacers and wax foundation in the frames, and then extracting those frames. That process leaves you with frames with all-wax, drawn combs that can be used again in subsequent years. But if you wish to harvest the honey from your supers by simple “crush and strain” method using the honey strainer/bottler, it’s not desirable to have the wired wax foundation in your frames because it will get ruined and it’s difficult to deal with the wires. Be sure to read Supering a Warré Hive for a detailed explanation of why you should always use frames and foundation in honey supers. This plastic foundation is wax-coated and very strong. When you harvest, simply use a plastic putty knife to scrape everything off of it and into the strainer bucket. Then place the super back onto the hive for 24 hours so that the bees can clean everything up for you before you put it away in storage. If you want to install all 8 frames in your super, simply select “8 Sheets” from the drop-down menu when ordering. This foundation is cut to fit precisely in the Warré frames, does not require foundation pins and is very easy to install.