Frame requirements

It is unfortunate that many states have antiquated laws that require beekeepers to use framed hives. In the early part of the 20th century, many states recognized framed hives as being essential to keeping healthy bees, because they allowed the hive to be inspected more easily for disease (this was mostly in comparison to using skeps, not other alternative hive types). Therefore, many states at the time adopted rules requiring beekeepers to use hives with movable frames. In these states, any hive that doesn’t use frames is technically illegal. Incidentally, not securing the top bars into the hive bodies with brads WILL NOT make your hive compliant with frame laws and is a very bad idea. Now, we don't care how you choose to keep your bees so long as they're healthy, and it's likely that your state's apiary inspector won't care either. However, he or she might care very much. You may want to call and ask. At minimum, you should know what the requirements are in your area before you buy, so that you can make an informed decision. Remember that with our frames you can convert any Warré hive from a top bar hive to a framed hive and back again with ease, any time you want.

Tip: You might be in compliance with your state apiary laws by only having one frame in each hive body. Check the wording of your state's apiary act carefully. Also note that our frames can be used in our octagonal hive (two per hive body) by putting them in place of the two center-most top bars.